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After leaving Art school with 2:1 BA in Graphic Design, I started work in traditional animation for commercials ie: Tetley Tea, Smarties and video productions for BBC. I was also a contributor on 'Bob's Birthday' (Snowden Fine Productions) which won an Oscar in 1993 for Best Animated Short.
In 1995, I started work for Discovery Channel as a print designer for their monthly subscribers magazine. As the Internet revolution took hold, I started work with CondeNast Publishing as part of their online design team, responsible for the launch of their first web presence for their magazines including Vogue, GQ and Tatler.
Since then I have worked online and in print for a variety of organisations including Christies, BT, Royal Palaces, Department of Health and ITV.
Freelance Graphic Design is continuing to keep me busy. I have also developed a sideline business creating bespoke miniature artwork. Please see SUKI'S SHOP for examples!

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